Mar 15, 2025

Kenton Duty: The "Shake It Up" star shakes it up with Christian tv shows and gay adult videos


Link to Kenton's adult photos

Some former teen stars retain their cuteness through their 20s, 30s, 40s, and on.  Others move from "dreamy" to "meh," and an unfortunate few turn into gorgons.   I'll leave it to you to decide what happened to Kenton Duty.  

Yes, that's his real name.

Born in 1995, Kenton began acting at the age of nine, and first appeared on screen at age eleven.  He drew fan attention for the first time in 2010, in a ridiculous background story on the paranormal Lost: in the first century CE, a Roman woman is shipwrecked on the floating island, has twin sons, Jacob and ___.   Jews and Christians were a tiny minority at the time, so how does she know the Biblical name?   For the rest of the plot arc, everyone refuses to say the name of the other brother, although it obviously has to be Esau.  

Guess which becomes good, and which evil.

This led to Shake It Up (2010-12), a slight variation on the usual Disney teencom format.  Instead of a girl who wants to be a singer, it featured two girls who want to be dancers. Kenton played the German-stereotype Gunther Hessenheffer, who dances with his sister Tinka.  According to the fan wiki, he is "flamboyant, fashion-conscious, theatrical," with a gay-subtext firendship with Ty Blue (Roshon Feagan) but straight, dating and crushing on a number of girls.

You might expect some gay characters or subtexts in Contest (2013), where a  bully and his queer-coded victim (Kenton, left, Daniel Flanagan, not shown) work together to win a contest, but the victim gets a girl.

We do see a lot of Kenton's physique, and Phil of the Future's Raviv Ullman appears.

It's Guys Night (2015) is an annoying two-minute short in which the guys get a girl to join them.  Why would two guys want to spend time alone?

Kenton's most significant role in the post-Shake It Up era is in the Christian soap Hilton Head Island (2017-19). Michael Swan stars as the dying patriarch of a clan scheming to get their hands on his media empire. Kenton plays a grandson. 

He's done some other Christian tv series, like The Encounter (Jesus steps in to solve people's problems), but also some secular stuff, like Filthy Preppy Teens and A Housekeeper's Revenge.

Kenton also has eight writing and 31 directing credits, mostly in shorts: Labels, All in the Cards, Gloommates, Kids on Patrol, Wasteland, Dead Giveaway, Condemned.  They don't have descriptions on the IMDB, and I doubt that any have gay content, so we'll skip right to the n*de photos, on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends

Next question: Is he gay in real life?


His Instagram is depressing.  Almost every photo shows him hugging and kissing his wife, or being grabbed by her,  and discussing how much they love each other.  Ok, here's one where she's a few inches away, kneeling in worship as he pretends to be a woman.  Girlfriend likes her men on the femme side.

The grown-up Kenton with a Lost bobblehead.  Still cute, average, or gorgon?

See also:

Kelton Dumont's Hot/Hung Photos, Part 1.  In the first draft, I spelled Kenton "Kelton" five times.

Mar 14, 2025

Sage Ftacek: "Sweethearts" Short Brigade hunk from Anoka, with a BFA, some Tiktok videos, and some selfies


Link to the selfies

 I was interested in Sage Ftacek, because he plays a gay character in the Thanksgiving romcom Sweethearts (2024).  Newly out Palmer (Caleb Hearon) is looking for social contacts at a pre-Thanksgiving party.  He is standing in the kitchen.

A blond guy, maybe Kellan (Jake Bongiovi), yells: "Let's roast this s*cker!"

Kurt: "Yeah, babe! I'll be right there."  He takes a turkey from the refrigerator, and stops to ask Palmer "Do you know anything about cooking?

Palmer "Not really."  

He starts to walk away, but realizing that he could be a gay social contact, Palmer stops him: "Wait, Kurt.  I'm gay."

Kurt responds with a blank expression: "I'm Kurt."

"I know. We've gone to school together since kindergarten."

"I'm gonna try to cook this turkey on the bonfire."

Later Palmer and Lukas, a gay guy who's interested in him, watch Kurt and his boyfriend rip off their shirts and try to set the turkey on fire. 

That's all, just four lines, but look at him.  Extraordinary cute. 

And at 5'8", a a member of the Short Guy Brigade.

He has a very unusual name -- it's Czech, originally meanng "little bird" -- so he should be easy to track down.

First his Instagram.  It says "golf cart dealership," which may be a joke.

Lots of joke pics, like this one of Sage dismantling a mannekin.

A clever way to see three guys at once.

And a backside, which may be his or a friend's.

According to Facebook, Sage grew up in Anoka, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis, where his Dad works at CostCo. He has a younger brother, and a relative who got a Ph.D. from Western Michigan University, specializing in transgender literary texts of the 18th century.  

Sage graduated from the St. Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists in 2018.

The Rutgers Actors Showcase says that he grew up in Minnesota, "sledding and throwing snowballs,"  fell into the "skateboarding and graffiti" scene when not taking the bus into Minneapolis for acting lessons,  and ended up at Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University, where he received a BFA in acting. in 2022.

More after the break. 

"The Parenting": Gay couple meets the parents and a demon. With Logan Roy's backside and Brandon Flynn's d*ck


Link to the backsides and d*cks

The blurb of The Parenting (2025), on MAX, made my jaw drop: "Boyfriends Josh and Rohan plan a weekend getaway to introduce their parents, only to discover that their rental is home to a 400-year-old poltergeist."

So the draw here is the poltergeist?  Being gay is perfectly ordinary, not worth commenting on?  I'm in.

Scene 1: 1983. A crying woman calls her teenage son to watch the series finale of MASH, then pours a glop of disgusting French dressing over a salad.  Wait --he can't be Josh or Rohan, unless they are in their 60s.  He must be one of the parents.  

The son doesn't want to call his sister, Allie, to dinner, so Mom says "I hate you kids."   She goes upstairs to knock on the sister's door and yell, but no answer.  Is the sister dead in there?

Smoke detector, burnt pizza -- and a monster hand shoots out and grabs Mom! Growl, scream.  Son tries to investigate, is grabbed, too!  Growl, scream. Daughter Allie is next.  I thought they were going to be major characters.

Scene 2:
  2025. Rohan (Nik Dodani) and Josh (Brandon Flynn) are driving through a cold wilderness with their dog, discussing how excited they are to be spending the weekend with both sets of parents at the mansion they rented, so everyone can get to know each other.  Their first meeting?  Maybe start with dinner.  Rohan notes that his parents are very demanding, so every detail has to be perfect.  

Other talk is rather disquieting: a cat with a human bottom, being horny for a house.  I know this is a step forward in LGBT representation, but does it have to be so gross?  

Scene 3: They arrive at the house, love it. kiss -- one of those "mwah" kisses.  Brenda, the creepy caretaker, explains that the house has been deserted since the previous family died in a fire 40 years ago.  The new owners decided to renovate and rent it out for tourists.  "Wait  -- are you gay?"


"I'm thinking you're gay."

"Um...yes. Is that ok?"  You should definitely check that before renting a place.  You don't want to be screamed at, or forced into a room with twin beds.

"That'll work."  WTF, lady?  She leads them inside, chatting about the upcoming Worm Moon, ignoring the circle etched into the floor.  The wifi password is: ego sum tibi artha, "I am for you, Artha."  

In other news: Sarah the dog sitter is in their apartment. She warns Rohan not to propose to Josh: too much for one weekend. She accidentally texts the same message to Josh, har har. 

Rohan says "I have something I want to ask."  Uh-oh, this is it, the Big Question. Psych!  It's "Don't tell my parents that you were fired.  They're perfectionists."  Har-har

Scene 4:
 Rohan's uptight dad and judgmental wife arrive (Brian Cox, Logan Roy in Succession, and Edie Falco, Carmela in The Sopranos).  "Trip ok?" "Yes." Why aren't they South Asian?  Max only wanted actors from its series?

Left: Brian's backside in 1980 and 2025 are on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends.

They haven't met Josh yet, so they grudgingly shake hands.  Then the dog rushes up and sniffs at Mom's private parts.

Josh: "We're beginning to think she's a lesbian.  She loves the smell of..."  Oy vey, this is painful to watch.  First, a lesbian dog would be attracted to female dogs, not people.  Second, why would you ever, ever reference the private parts of your boyfriend's mother?

Dad complements Josh's physique (top photo) and asks about his job. They prevaricate.

Scene 4: Unpacking in their room, Rohan lays into Josh for the "loves the smell of..." comment, and Josh lays into Rohan for having a dad his physique?   

Rohan is stressed because he never introduced his parents to a boyfriend before.  So you do it for a whole weekend?  Josh suggests de-stressing with some edibles.  "No drugs.  I forbid it!"

They continue arguing out into the hall.  "And no more p*ssy jokes in front of my mother."

"Fine.  But if your mom can't appreciate a good p*ssy joke..."  He swings open the bathroom door...guess who is on the toilet?  

First of all, in a mansion, the guest bedrooms should have private bathrooms.  Second, bathroom doors can be locked.  Third, I just saw the p*ssy of Carmela Soprano, but 10 to 1 we won't be seeing Logan Roy's d*ck.

More after the break. 

Mar 13, 2025

Gemstones Episode 4.1: Elijah scoundrels, Winston dies, and Kelvin screams. With Bradley's bottom and Jackson's junk

Link to the n* de dudes

Previous: Gemstones Season 3 Finale: Kelvin and Keefe married?  Pontius a dark lord?  Peter redeemed through the Redeemer?

Title: "Prelude."  This is not really an episode of The Righteous Gemstones at all.  It's a full theatrical movie starring Bradley Cooper, who you know as Ben in Wet Hot American Summer and Rocket  Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy.  So I'll do a scene-by-scene.

Scene 1: A small country church in Virginia, 1862.  Pastor Adam Grieves (Josh McDermitt) preaches and takes an offering.  After the service, rogue Elijah Gemstone (Bradley Cooper) shoots him and steals the offering money and his gold-plated Bible (this will be important later).

Uh-oh, before he can escape, Confederate troops arrive at the church and, mistaking him for the pastor, announce that he's been drafted to be chaplain for their division, heading to Fredericksburg.  It pays $50 per month ($2000 in today's dollars), plus room and board.

Overjoyed, Elijah asks for a moment to gather his things.  He changes clothes with Pastor Grieves, bashes his face in so no one will recognize him, and writes a note: "This is the body of a crook who tried to rob me.  He was handsome.  His name was Elijah Gemstone."   He was handsome?  Got yourself some same-sex desire going on, buddy?

Scene 2
: A battle, with lots of Confederate soldiers being killed. Their grim faces flash by.  A boy gets his leg blown off.  600,000 soldiers died, plus about 1,000,000 civilians. 6% of the young adult men from the North, and 18% from the South

Captain Cane (Jim Cummings) approaches Elijah with the rumor that he was gambling and drinking with the guys last night, inappropriate behavior for a Man of God.  He denies it, and further threatens the Captain with hellfire for spreading rumors. Does this remind you of Jesse's s*x-and-drugs party from Season 1?

Scene 3
: Elijah is called to pray with the boy who got his leg blown off (Alex Saxon).  He is dying and afraid, but Elijah just pretends to pray.  

Cut to night, with Elijah is drinking and gambling with the guys.

Scene 4: Time to preach the Sunday sermon.  Elijah can't do it, so he just says "God doesn't expect us to be perfect.  We make mistakes, but we're trying to be good, and that's good enough."  In Baptist theology, you don't need to try: once you are saved, you are incapable of committing new sins. But Elijah doesn't know that.

Cut to more drinking and gambling, followed by trying to avoid praying with another dying soldier, Winston (Jackson Kelly).  This one is worried that he won't go to heaven, because he's killed people, but Elijah assures him that God has made an exception on his "Thou shalt not kill" policy for soldiers who are forced to fight. 

Scene 5: Elijah and the soldiers bathing in the river (blurry d*ck shot).  Afterwards Ned Rollins (Kimball Farley) announces that he recognizes Elijah from before the War. "It took me awhile, but I saw the way you shuffle the deck of cards, with your pinkie out like a woman."  So Elijah has some femme/gay characteristics? Does he remind you of Kelvin?

His cover blown, Elijah attacks, but Ned just wants to partner with him: Major McFall (James Landry Hebert) is coming to camp tomorrow.  He's starting a card game, and he is loaded.  They could take him.

Cut to the card game.  They take him.  Then, worried that he will say something, Elijah kills Ned and stuffs his body in one of the coffins. And now he's Judy

More after the break

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