Link to Kenton's adult photos
Yes, that's his real name.
Born in 1995, Kenton began acting at the age of nine, and first appeared on screen at age eleven. He drew fan attention for the first time in 2010, in a ridiculous background story on the paranormal Lost: in the first century CE, a Roman woman is shipwrecked on the floating island, has twin sons, Jacob and ___. Jews and Christians were a tiny minority at the time, so how does she know the Biblical name? For the rest of the plot arc, everyone refuses to say the name of the other brother, although it obviously has to be Esau.
Guess which becomes good, and which evil.
This led to Shake It Up (2010-12), a slight variation on the usual Disney teencom format. Instead of a girl who wants to be a singer, it featured two girls who want to be dancers. Kenton played the German-stereotype Gunther Hessenheffer, who dances with his sister Tinka. According to the fan wiki, he is "flamboyant, fashion-conscious, theatrical," with a gay-subtext firendship with Ty Blue (Roshon Feagan) but straight, dating and crushing on a number of girls.
You might expect some gay characters or subtexts in Contest (2013), where a bully and his queer-coded victim (Kenton, left, Daniel Flanagan, not shown) work together to win a contest, but the victim gets a girl.
We do see a lot of Kenton's physique, and Phil of the Future's Raviv Ullman appears.
He's done some other Christian tv series, like The Encounter (Jesus steps in to solve people's problems), but also some secular stuff, like Filthy Preppy Teens and A Housekeeper's Revenge.
Kenton also has eight writing and 31 directing credits, mostly in shorts: Labels, All in the Cards, Gloommates, Kids on Patrol, Wasteland, Dead Giveaway, Condemned. They don't have descriptions on the IMDB, and I doubt that any have gay content, so we'll skip right to the n*de photos, on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends
Next question: Is he gay in real life?
His Instagram is depressing. Almost every photo shows him hugging and kissing his wife, or being grabbed by her, and discussing how much they love each other. Ok, here's one where she's a few inches away, kneeling in worship as he pretends to be a woman. Girlfriend likes her men on the femme side.
The grown-up Kenton with a Lost bobblehead. Still cute, average, or gorgon?